Get your pumpkins in a row with my Autumn Equinox checklist
This is it — my favorite season of the year is almost here!
But … my house is a wreck. I’ve just been So. Tired.
I’ve been trying to settle into a new routine, now that school has started for my 8-year-old, and my work schedule is now more “hybrid.” Finding our new pandemic normal has been … e x h a u s t i n g.
Deep breath.
But I’m determined to refresh, reset, and buckle down as the Autumnal Equinox approaches on Sept. 22.
During an equinox, the length of night and day are almost exactly equal — so it’s the perfect time to rebalance.
Seasonal checklists help me stay focused on what matters most, so my first group of checkboxes reminds me to savor all of fall.
The second part of my checklist — the housekeeping chores — might seem boring, but the pandemic has taught me to appreciate what I already have.
Valuing what I already own and managing the clutter is an act of love (and a daily challenge). All of the routine maintenance and chores can be overwhelming, so checklists help me develop ritual habits of care.
I aspire to create a cozy, welcoming home — an island of peace and joy — and so I focus on comfortable gathering areas to help build relationships. For fall that means firing up the chimenea on the patio … and setting up our over-the-top Halloween decorations for the whole neighborhood to enjoy.
This checklist is based on my situation — I live in a suburban, single-family home in southwest Virginia, so I’ve included blank spaces for you to create your own customized list.
It usually takes my family a week or two to complete most of the checkboxes, so don’t feel like you have to do it all in one day or weekend!
And if you like to use Google Docs, you’re in luck … because there’s a new “checklist” bullet option in the toolbar. As you check the items off the list, Google Docs strikes through the text … which is very exciting to this extreme nerd. Just copy and paste the list below into your own Google Doc to get started!
The Autumnal Equinox — the official first day of fall in the northern hemisphere — begins at 3:20 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2021.
FALL 2021
Sept. 22 – Dec. 21
My 3 most important priorities for Fall 2021:
(A vision board might help.)
☐ _________________________________________
☐ _________________________________________
☐ _________________________________________
Seriously … focusing on your priorities can change your life.
Savor fall fun
☐ Halloween is Sunday, Oct. 31
☐ Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2
☐ Thanksgiving is Thursday, Nov. 25
☐ Netflix releases season 2 of “The Witcher” on Friday, Dec. 17 … lol
☐ Schedule a DIY Creativity Retreat
☐ Leaf-peeping adventure (biking? hiking? winery?)
☐ Attend a fall festival or corn maze
☐ For the rainy days: Witchy movies to get you in the spirit (I’ve written about She-Devil, Halloweentown, High Spirits, and the more obscure Little Witch)
☐ Tailgate at home
☐ Book a massage/manicure/pedicure (we’re vaccinated, right?)
☐ Note all Fall birthdays (and have cards ready to mail!)
☐ Cook or bake one new fall recipe … or try one new restaurant.
☐ ________________________________________________
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Tip: Our family’s Halloween photo display has become my favorite (and super simple) Halloween decoration.
☐ Walk a full circle around the inside and outside of your home (sage burning optional): What needs doing by the end of fall? Just pick one for each:
☐ Inside priority: ______________________________________
☐ Outside priority: _____________________________________
☐ Swap out seasonal decor (ex: wreath on the door, frames on fireplace mantel, welcome mats, flags, etc.)
☐ Replace candles with the scents of autumn (cinnamon, pumpkin, apples)
☐ Prepare the patio fire pit (have lighters/logs/marshmallows ready to go)
☐ Refresh flower boxes / planters / houseplants
☐ Archive refrigerator gallery art (make room for new!)
☐ Wash curtains / sofa upholsteries
☐ Wash windows
☐ Steam clean carpets and area rugs
☐ Wash shower curtains / replace shower liners
☐ Replace dish brushes/sponges
☐ Clean and store summer clothes / gear / outdoor games
☐ Clean out purse and wallet
☐ Purge drawers and closets of unwanted clothes
☐ Purge unwanted toys
☐ Donate unwanted clothes & toys
☐ What needs mending? Repairing?
☐ Deluxe car wash/vacuuming
☐ _______________________________________
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